Reclaim. Renew. Reset Your Identity In Christ.
ATHOH provides content, inspiration, resources, and products that will draw you into a closer walk with Christ so that you will be equipped to experience authentic joy in every area of your life.

Who God Says I Am!
Meditating on the Word of God is critical to our relationship with Him. The focus scripture helps you focus on God’s word
Write it out 3 times in a different version
Voice record it and play it back throughout the week
Download your booklet to help you grow deeper in God’s Word.
A Place For Encouragement
Devotions That Connect Us
Spending time in devotion to God gives us a deeper connection to Him and others.
Identity Crisis Corner: Who I Am In Christ
Know the truth about who you are in Christ.
Prayers of the Heart
Have you ever wondered what it takes to get a yes from God when you pray? It’s all about the heart.
Couch Conversations
Pull up a seat and join us as we “couch” identity crisis through the Word of God.