Meet Rho

Okay…if you’re on this page, you want to know about me. My name is Rhlonda but my friends call me Rho, and now; so do you.

Well, let me tell you, I am a mother to two amazing young men, a daughter, a sister, a niece, a cousin, a best friend, an HR professional for more than 20 years, an entrepreneur, and a first-time author. Whew!

Now, let me really tell you who I am. I am something else. No, seriously, I am not about to give you a polished profile about me because the truth is I’m a bunch of “something,” depending on the day. I like to say sometimes I have a sweet “sassitude”. My life has seen its share of ups and downs (what a cliche…lol). It’s different colors of the rainbow and everything in between. One thing is for certain, and two things for sure; I discovered more of myself and God with each trial and victory throughout my life; I never want to go through one in particular evvvvvva again, and Praise God…I’m STILL HERE!!!

I want to be honest and tell you that I still second guess what God has called me to do helping other women. I still question how it’s all going to play out. I still take the wheel from Him and give it back right before running off the road. Yes, it’s true, but He’s right there in the struggles with me which helps my “bounce back” come quicker. Throughout the process back then and still today, I hear a small voice saying, ” No no girly, I need you to keep it real and stay that way with my daughters.” It hasn’t always been easy but now, I’m walking with a purpose (or should I say wobbling). I’ve watched God do amazing things in my life within a short amount of time. And because of His never-ending love for me, I have to share it with others because I am convinced, He wants to do the same for you.

Most of all what’s important to know about me is, I love me some God! Throughout my life He showed me all the times I felt drawn to help women in the most challenging seasons of their life. So of course, I want nothing more than to encourage and inspire you to trust God with everything you’ve got. So come with me, and you will find everything you need At The Hands of Him, Abba Father. Give it all to Him so you can be more and more like He intended for you to become. You too can reclaim, renew, and reset your identity in Christ.

It all began in 2018 when my life was suddenly disrupted, and the bottom fell out as I found myself in an abandoned marriage pending divorce. Talk about devastated or should I say embarrassed. I was ashamed and hotter than fish grease (that means I was pissed). I was desperate and rapidly losing myself. I was DONE! 

Bitterness, resentment, and anger were just a few emotions that settled deep within my heart. Then there was rage, grief, and loneliness that sat on top of all that mess like a nice little cherry. Whew! But God, in His infinite wisdom, took that mess of a marriage breakdown and did something I could have never imagined. He changed me. Well, let me be honest. God showed me myself first…then He changed me.

Honestly, I thought I was doing pretty good in my relationship with Him. But oh no, He clearly showed me I was not. I was insecure and manipulative. I had a funky attitude. I had a sense of entitlement, and I was spoiled. I know, right. I told you I was a mess. But He also showed me how big my heart could hold love. My loyalty to others, how I valued my relationships, and encourage others, and even my desire to walk in His ways were clear too. When He removed the spiritual cataracts from my eyes, I began to see myself how He intended when He created me. That’s when my life began to level out. I released myself from that experience, my past mistakes, and my warped way of thinking by forgiving “him” and myself. That experience moved me to author my first book; At the Hands of Him. And, it was the start of God restoring all that I’d lost, including myself. 

What We Do

ATHOH, is committed to empowering women on their spiritual journey. Our mission is to serve, encourage, and inspire women to cultivate a deep and meaningful relationship with God. We achieve this by offering an online Christian experience that encompasses a wealth of Bible study resources, quality products, and services. We aim to support women as they reclaim, renew, and reset their identity in Christ, fostering personal growth and spiritual enrichment

Why We Do It

We believe and stand on the promises of who God says we are!

We strive to create an online community where women can thrive in their faith and find the resources they need to strengthen their relationship with God.