Do you need shock therapy for your identity crisis?”

We’ve all experienced that “remind me again who I am” day. You know, those things that stick in the corner of your mind?

Well, search no further; you’ve reached the ICC. Yep, the Identity Correction Corner. Here, you can get a fresh word of truth about who you are in Christ. 

Let me caution you that Satan would love for you to believe every lie he’s spoken over you. Do you know your enemy? Do you know what he does, where he is? He is the deceiver, the father of lies, and he loves to show up when you are vulnerable. That little crafty sucker’s #1 objective is to confuse you so he can steal, kill and destroy your very life. And it works when YOU don’t know who you are in Christ.

When you don’t know who you are, anybody (including Satan) can tell you lies and convince you that it’s true the more you hear it. That’s Satan’s ulterior motive; to persuade you to believe his lie. But you have to declare what he’s not going to do is tell you anything against what God has already said about you. 

The Bible says so many great things about who we are in Christ. And they will free you from lies against you and your life. Here is where you will learn that you are a new creation in Christ (2 Corinthians 5:17). You are who God says you are (Psalms 107:2), and you can be who God says you can be (Joel 3:10). Start your healing by meditating “not medicating,” on a supporting scripture and a quick word of encouragement. The good thing about the ICC is it’s here whenever you need it, so you never have to question who you are, ever again. 

It’s time to know what God says about you so you can Reclaim, Renew, and Reset your identity and stand against the enemy’s lies.

If you’ve suffered from any of the following statements, click on the image and check yourself into the ICC! 

Want to accept Christ?

Want to accept Christ?