I God so!

Romans 15:13

I pray that God, the source of hope, will fill you completely with joy and peace because you trust in Him. Then you will overflow with confident hope through the power of the Holy Spirit.

Sometimes we face uncertain times. We question if we can be sure that someone will come through for us. Yeah, things look a little bleak from time to time, and we just don't know how things will turn out. It's the "not knowing" that leaves us in a state of doubt. Whether it's our family situation, jobs, businesses, relationships, or finances; there are times of uncertainty we’re going to face.

But I am here to assure you that you can have hope. Hope is the opposite of uncertainty and it means to place trust in or to look forward to with desire and reasonable confidence.

In life, we can have hope through God just as His word says in the scripture from Romans 15:13.

God is the source of hope and when we put life’s uncertainties into God’s hands, we will have joy and peace because we know we can count on him without a doubt — Yes we can trust God in times of uncertainty as our hope overflows through the Holy Spirit.

So, sister girl, keep your head up. Don't worry about it. Put your hope in a God, who is steadfast and faithful. He is a sure thing you can bet on every time.

So, the next time you may be in a place of uncertainty, instead of saying "I hope so”, try saying “I GOD so!”

And remember, everything you need is at the hands of Him, Abba Father!


Just Ask


Enough to Endure.