Just Ask

Have you ever heard the statement “no question is a dumb question”?

Just think about that for a minute. No question is a dumb question, and the reason it's not is that when you ask the question, you'll get some information perhaps you didn't know before you asked.

How can we apply that to our lives when we ask God for something? The Bible tells us that we can ask anything when we pray, and if we believe, we will receive what we ask (Matt 21:22). That is amazing because that scripture guarantees that you will have what you ask for as long as you do your part. We do ours, and Jesus will be sure to do his.

So now, I want you to think about everything you've thought about but never asked God for in prayer. Whatever the reason, you never felt good enough to ask. C’mon, sis; think about all the ideas you’ve had, but decided, "I'm not going to bother God with that."

Well, there is no dumb question when we ask God for what we want. He is ready and willing to answer any question. Matter of fact, His word says that before you even call He will answer, and while you are speaking He will hear (Isaiah 65:24). If that doesn’t put some pep in your step to ask Him I don’t know what will.

So, what are you waiting on? What is it that you want God to do for you or to restore for you? For real, for real. What do you just want to talk to Him about? What do you want from God? Whatever it is, He is ready and willing to answer your request.

Let me challenge you today to stop and think about the one question you have been "living" (lol) to ask God. Or, maybe it's two or three questions. Just ask Him. And when you ask, make sure you are ready to hear from him because he's waiting to give you the answer you've been searching for. So, remember, whatever you do, and whatever you're thinking, all you have to do is ask and believe it to receive it.

Write down your question (s) to God in the following areas of your life; character, relationships, resources, work/business, and health. Go big ‘cause He’s a BIG God.

Remember, everything you need is ATHOH!


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I God so!