Enough to Endure.

James 1:2-4

Dear brothers and sisters, when troubles of any kind come your way, consider it an opportunity for great joy. For you know that when your faith is tested, your endurance has a chance to grow. So let it grow, for when your endurance is fully developed, you will be perfect and complete, needing nothing.

Life presses in on us, and the weight is so unbearable to the point we don't want to go on most times.

We don't wanna go on fighting the good fight, trusting while we wait, or go on with another step. We’ve decided, “Yep, that’s it’ I’m done.”

I get it and I’m sure, it’s much easier to just throw in the towel. But what will we get from doing that? You guessed it, another start over.

So what do we do when we feel we don't have enough to endure? Our scripture reference gives us a glimpse that God is up to something. We can have joy when trouble comes our way because we experience growth and completeness, and we will have everything we need; lacking nothing.

I hear you saying, “Oh really, how so”?

May I offer that we trust the process? Don’t overthink the hardship, but lean into the fact that God is doing something in you that will produce good results. Our endurance is fueled by our faith in God's promises. We get that extra little push when we remember what God has spoken. Although our faith may be undergoing a test, we can be sure that in the end, what God is developing in us will be full, complete, and quite frankly worth all the trouble. We’re able to take the next step forward, knowing God is right there with us.

So keep going. Keep fighting. Keep, trusting all the way to the end. You have enough in you through Christ to endure to the end.

And remember everything you need is ATHOH.


I God so!


It’s got to bow down.