Are You In Lock Step?

Scripture - Isaiah 30:21 (NIV)

“Whether you turn to the right or to the left, your ears will hear a voice behind you, saying, “This is the way; walk in it.”

Have you ever gotten ahead of yourself? Undoubtedly the answer is a resounding – Yes! So many times, we move too fast or hurry through situations; giving a quick response without giving it much thought. When we do, oftentimes, we find ourselves having an “uh-oh” moment realizing we acted too hastily when we should have considered all the factors before acting.

Consider the same with our spiritual lives. God may have spoken to us, but before we can get all the facts, we move too fast without clear instructions. God’s timing is critical if we want to experience the fullness of what He has for us. Since He is the author of time, we must trust Him with the “when” of our lives.  So here are some points to ponder when God gives you a glimpse into what lies ahead for you.

  • Holy Spirit, show me who I need to connect with, consult with, or make a request from to help me.

  • Holy Spirit, what do I need to do to prepare myself?

  • Holy Spirit, where do I find the resources, I need?

  • Holy Spirit, how will this happen? Show me your strategy.

  • Holy Spirit, help me understand why this is the action to take.

Walking through who, what, where, how, and why will ensure we slow down long enough to hear from God clearly. before taking action. The Holy Spirit will be in lockstep as we trustingly move forward.

Psss…did you notice “WHEN” is not a part of the equation? That’s because when is God’s part- not ours.

Remember, everything you need is ATHOH!


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