Let's Talk "Apples to Oranges"

Comparison is a huge issue for most folks; particularly women. We compare just bout everything from our hair to our homes; our finances to our friends; and even our men to our “mess”. Now ain’t that some mess! Not to mention we think they haven’t done anywhere near the crazy stuff in their lives as we’ve done in ours.

Hello, girlfriend; you’re focused on the wrong thing. Your comparison is way off. You can’t compare apples to oranges. You have to see it from God’s perspective. We can’t continue to look at what others have and what we don’t have. It will leave us feeling inadequate or unworthy of what God has already blessed us with.

Let me encourage with you some of our friends from the Bible who can shed a little light on their previous situations. Now I gotta tell you, what it looked like starting off ain’t what it turned out to be in the end. They started with humble beginnings and were able to produce some good fruit; if you get my drift. Let’s look at:

  • Jacob - Genesis 27. He conspired with his mother and stole something that didn’t belong to him. But nonetheless God “touched” him and changed his name.

  • David – 2 Samuel 11:1-27. David was all jacked up coming out the gate as a young boy. He was rejected by his own dad. He was a killer and an adulterer. But ultimately and even during all this, he was a man after God’s own heart who became King.

  • Abraham and Sarah – Gen 16:1-16 and 21:1-13 These two right here…whew! Sarah wanted to do things her way so she just gave her man away (and he agreed). Then she had the nerve to catch an attitude at the mess she created. Abraham lied and gave his wife away to the King. (I think it was some swinging situations going on with these two (IJS). Anyway, my point is even with all of this Abraham had great faith in the promise God made to him. God chose to bless him and make him the father of many nations.

  • Isaac and Rebecca – Gen 26:6-11. Uh hello! Like father like son- the apple doesn’t fall too far from the tree cause he told the same lie as his father Abraham. He showed favoritism towards his children in the same way as his daddy; which by the way drums up issues for the next generation. But God still chose him to be the promised child of Abraham and Sara.

  • Saul/Paul – Acts 9:1-9 - Saul went around killing folks just because they loved them some Jesus. He was cold-blooded

  • Esther - Esther 4:9-17 - she started out as an orphan but she ended up on top.

All throughout the Bible, we find people just like you and me who had something “different” about them or did something wrong. No doubt they may have felt inadequate to be chosen by God, but He still had a purpose for them. He took what they had and who they were to accomplish great things. And He can do the same for you.

So remember, everything you need is ATHOH.


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