Works Salvation - NoT Hiring

Scripture - Romans 3:28 - So we are made right with God through faith and not by obeying the law.

How many times have you thought, I feel like walking off this job?

Sometimes, we get so fed up with all the striving and performing just to be recognized for the skills and abilities we have to do the job. Moreover, we compete against peers for roles that God may never have grafted into the plan He has for our lives.

Hum, think about that for a minute.

The rat race is one we will never win. We do the same thing in our spiritual life as well, but I want you to stop it. You can quit right now.

Spiritually, every day you go to work to be saved. I mean you’re working at being saved every day for something you don’t have to do. We try to out-pray ourselves and others. We try to out-church others, out-quote the bible, and out-perform in any way possible to appear “saved”. And we do this thinking we will get what Christ has already given us through the work He did on the cross.

Hey sis? You’re doing too much. Stop it, please! What are you getting for all this work anyway? Stress, worry, anxiety? Check your eternal bank account, you may find it to be in the red from all your work.

But, there’s good news. You can still withdraw forgiveness, faith, strength, courage, and anything else you need without the account closing. God's word says He will never leave us or forsake us (Deut 31:8). And guess what? We can take that to the bank. It’s all paid for in full for us anyway.

It’s time for you to walk off the job. Works Salvation is no longer hiring!


Let's Talk "Apples to Oranges"