Everything Comes From You

God, you are a great provider. The earth is yours and everything in it belongs to you (1 Cor 10:26). All my needs you can and have provided. Thank you for supplying them according to your riches in Christ Jesus (Phil 4:19).

Lord help me to know the difference between what I want and what I truly need. Your word says you are the God of abundance, everything belongs to you (1 Chron 29:16), and your resources never run out. Help me to always trust that. You also said no good thing would you withhold from those whose walk is blameless (Ps 84:11). I used to have a hard time believing that but God, I'm taking the limits off what YOU want to do in my life.

You know what I need but more than that you know what I desire, and according to my faith it will be done for me (Matt 21:21). Thank you for providing everything I have. Thank you for food, shelter, good health, money in the bank, my family that's doing fine, friends, a job and a career, a business, my ministry, and a car to get around every day. God, I thank you for providing it all for me. Nothing I have is because of me but because of how thoughtful you are to see to it that I have these things.

Thank you that I don't have to worry about these things as I seek your kingdom and righteousness everything else will be added (Matt 6:25). Hallelujah!

Father God, I thank you that you bless me abundantly, so that in all things, at all times, having everything I need, I will abound in every good work (2 Cor 9:8).

So, thank you for these and all your blessings and for being the Great Provider that you are.

In Jesus' name, I pray and say thank you. Amen, and Amen.


The Way to Go