The Way to Go

Lord God, I come before you and I ask that you give me a clear vision for my life.

I know that you can lead and guide me in every area of my life and I need your divine direction, Father God.

I cannot do life on my own nor do I want to do it without you. God too many times before I have gone out on my own or even ahead of you. I repent today and I submit my directions to you. I trust you to order my steps.

God give me the desires of my heart and make my plans succeed (Ps 20:4) according to your will for my life. Lord, I am asking that you show me the right direction for (_______). You said that you would instruct me and teach me in the way I should go, that you would council me with your loving eyes on me (Ps 32:8).

Jesus, said that Holy Spirit will guide me into all truth (John 16:13). Holy Spirit, point me in the direction of truth.

Lord as I humble myself before you, I pray that I, my children, and my family are kept safe with everything you have provided for us (Ezra 8:21). Now Lord I submit my life to you again because your ways are higher than mine and your thoughts are higher than mine (Isa 55:9). You know far better than I do how to get me to where you're leading me by your divine direction.

I trust you, God, and please don’t let me be the one hindering the direction you've already shown me. Help me to get out of my way!

As I wait for your divine direction, keep me from being anxious, worried, and restless but give me peace as I wait for your divine direction.

God, you said the steps of a good woman are ordered by you Lord. So, I thank you for your divine direction in my life.

Help me to tune my ear to hear what you have to say as your voice behind me saying this is the way to go whether to the right or to the left (Isa 30:21).

God, I know that you will lead me and guide me in the right direction you've already mapped out for my life. I trust you fully and I thank you for divine direction.

In Jesus' name, Amen.


Everything Comes From You


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