My Mouth!

Lord God my mouth! Sometimes I shock myself with some of the stuff that comes out. And no I am not proud of that. It makes me feel so bad afterward. So I give you the powerful tool of my tongue and I surrender it to you.

God, help me to think before I speak, matter of fact, help me to shut up before I speak. Life is what I desire to produce from the words that I speak; so forgive me for the times I've misspoken, said negative words to others, or used my words to hurt or break someone else's spirit.

Purify my speech Father God in the name of Jesus. Help me to recognize the power behind my words and choose them wisely. Lord let the words I speak edify and encourage others.

Holy Spirit, transform my heart so my words will bring life when I speak. I declare I will watch my ways and keep my tongue from sin (Ps 39:1). I will not let unwholesome talk come out of my mouth (Eph 4:29). If I'm not building others up, I'll keep quiet because my tongue has the power of life and death in it. So going forward I declare the fruit of my mouth is life (Prov 18:21).

Now God, you gonna have to help me to only speak praises and not curses (Jas 3:10). Only praise is what I desire to come from these lips.

Holy Spirit I am asking that you would lead me to speak the word of God so that He may be glorified through what I say.

In Jesus' name, Amen.


A Heart Check-Up


Help Me to Mind My Mind