A Humble Heart

Lord today I make a vow to walk in humility.

I declare that I have the mind of Christ (1 Cor 2:16) and humble myself in my relationships with others.

Lord, you require me to act justly, to love mercy, and walk humbly with you (Micah 6:8) and when I do, you give me more grace and show me your favor. I will not be proud, but I will surrender my heart to you. Lord, keep your word and lift me up in due time as I humble myself before you and under your mighty hand (1Pet 5:6). Thank you, Lord, for looking kindly on me. I thank you for seeing me from afar. Be exalted oh Lord but keep your eye on me (Ps 138:6).

Thank you, Holy Spirit, for helping me to walk humbly before the Lord and others. God, my life is yours. I pray that Holy Spirit will do heart surgery on me to show me any areas of pride.

This life you've blessed me with is not about me, but it is all about you God. Show me where I need to submit myself to you but most of all show me myself. Show me what areas I haven't been honest and transparent enough to ask you about. God show me what you want me to do in every area of my life.

God, you can have my plans, my family, my finances, my desire for _______, my business and career ideas, my health, and every other area. So Holy Spirit, I'm asking you to help me humbly submit my plans to the purposes of God.

In Jesus' name, I pray amen.


Willing to Obey


Faith in My Faith