Looking for You, God.

Father God, I am your daughter whom you have called in Christ, and I come humbly before you.

I'm coming out the gate confessing that I do not always come to you first with the decisions I have to make. If I'm honest, I've called two of my friends and maybe asked Siri before I lean into you. I know, I know, I feel so bad because it is you that I should run to first. Father, forgive me, please.

It is my desire to seek you first in all things, but sometimes I think you might make me wait for an answer. There is a promise in your word that if I seek first your kingdom and your righteousness everything else will be added (Matt 6:33). Even though I know this is a promise I am asking Holy Spirit, to help make this a priority for me. When I have decisions staring me in the face, you are the first one I run to for guidance.

God, you also said that if I seek you with all my heart, I will find you (Jer 29:13). I confess I have drifted away from diligently seeking you. Please forgive me and bring back my passion to seek after you and to do your will. I seek your spirit, your character, your will, and most of all your love every day. Keep me humble in spirit.

Thank you for being able to seek your face and turn to you in prayer. I just want to be with you, God.

Forgive me for all my sins, mishaps, mistakes, and shortcomings. I repent of my sinful nature, and I turn away from wickedness and my worldly ways. Satisfy my spirit again and draw me nearer to you.

In Jesus’ name, Amen!


K.I.R with God


A Heart Check-Up