K.I.R with God

Lord, help me to Keep It Real with you.

It is exhausting trying to put on a front of who I'm not or try to be. Since I'm being honest right now, it's frustrating trying to disguise myself to you. As if that's going to work. You see all, know all, and created all things, including me. You will never bless who I pretend to be. I have to laugh because you already know everything about me, so why am I trying to be something I'm not? So, God, help me to keep it real.

Help me not hide my feelings from you in fear of judgment. Help me to open myself up to you with my deepest hurts. God, I lay it all before you so I can have a level of intimacy with you, unlike ever before. I trust you won't judge to condemn; you judge to convict. So, Holy Spirit, convict my heart when I'm not keeping it a hundred with you. Show me myself as I go deeper into my relationship with you. I desire a humble heart before you as I long to have a transparent and open talk with you as I do with my best friend. So, God, help me keep it real with you.

Keep me from shame and embarrassment. Help me not succumb to feelings of unworthiness or inadequacy when I share my truest thoughts with you. As I share my deep, most intimate feelings with you, allow security to wash over me. I can trust you to keep my secrets and work all things together for my good (Rom 8:28).

Thank you Holy Spirit for the courage you give me to always be real, honest, and open holding nothing back.

So, God, let's talk. For real, for real.


The Word of God


Looking for You, God.