The Word of God

Lord, there are different ways for me to experience your word. Your word is written, it's spoken, it comes through people, and it can come from signs, symbols, and events. But most of all, it comes from past experiences in my life. God your promises still stand today. Great is your faithfulness (Lam 3:23).

I pray that your word goes deep into my heart and takes root, that it will be hidden in my heart so that I won't sin against you (Ps 119:11). I also pray that I will receive your word without measure, let it overflow God. Let it be in abundance, without limit to what I receive from your word in Jesus' name. God, I'm praying that the words that you have already spoken over my life would manifest in this time and space on earth. I pray that everything you've said, called, and attached to my name will come forth boldly and in an accelerated fashion according to your will. I want to see it visibly in my life starting right now.

God, use me to speak words of life over other people. Give me the spirit of prophecy. Let me prophesy the truth of your word to the people that you connect me with as they seek answers from you. Allow me to be an instrument of answered prayer, that I prophesy the good things that you have for them.

Lord, everything I need to navigate the cares of this life you have given instructions for in your word. Your word is a lamp for my feet and a light on my pathway (Ps 119:105). Your word illuminates the dark places of my life on this journey. Your word that directs me and I find delight (Ps 119:35).

Lord, I thank you that your word is alive and active. It moves situations around and is sharper than a two-edged sword and cuts deep into the heart. It cuts into the deep places I may try to hide from you. It penetrates and divides my soul. What I think and I feel in my spirit, your word knows the secret thoughts I think and understands my true motives within my heart (Heb 4:12). So God, grant me a deeper understanding of your word. Give me a disciplined heart and mind towards your word. Everything in your word is true and a sure foundation for me to stand on. God help me to recognize your word flat out, unwavering. God, I pray every word that you have spoken over my life will come to pass. I want to see it manifest in my life.

God, I thank you for your word. The grass withers and the flowers fall but your word will endure forever (Isa 40:8). Let the world rest in my heart. I declare that I believe your word, I receive your word, and I will do what your word says and not just hear it (Jas 1:23).

In Jesus' name, I pray, Amen.


Love On a Whole New Level


K.I.R with God