God’s Power

Heavenly Father,

Before I do anything or take on any task, or make decisions, or try to complete work today, help to me STOP and acknowledge that with Christ I can do all things because He is where my strength comes from. God you are my help and without You I can do nothing.

I confess that I cannot do life on my own. I need the power of Holy Spirit to help me today. I need your power to operate in me to make wise decisions. I need your power to walk in integrity. I need your power to yield to temptation. I need your power to help me surrender my will and conform to your will. Not my will be done but yours Father. God I need your power to transform me into everything You want me to be!

Help me to seek you first for guidance and help to accomplish all that I have to do today.

Go with me. Be with me. Lead me. Guide me.

In Jesus name. Amen


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